Practice Areas
Peter DeJulio stands out as a Criminal Defence Lawyer with the proven ability and confidence of a seasoned courtroom advocate, poised to apply his expertise to your case with the care and commitment it deserves.
Peter DeJulio provides legal representation for:
All charges and proceedings under the Criminal Code of Canada, including:
- Bail Hearings
- Domestic Assault
- Motor Vehicle Offences, such as Impaired Driving, "Over .80", and Dangerous Driving
- Sexual Assault
- Assault with a Weapon
- Common Assault
- Theft
- Robbery
- Fraud & False Pretence
- Credit Card Offences
- Proceeds of Crime
- Money Laundering
- Firearms and other weapons offences
- Conspiracy
- Child Pornography
- Cyber-Crime Offences (Intrusion, Manipulation etc.)
- Homicide (Murder & Manslaughter)
AND non-criminal offences such as:
- Drug Offences
- Tax Offences
- Regulatory Offences (such as Liquor Licence Act charges)
- Highway Traffic Act Offences (such as Careless Driving, No Insurance, etc.)
- Immigration Detention and Admissibility Hearings
- Ontario Dog Owners' Liability Act (D.O.L.A.) Hearings
- Notary Public Services
Concerned about a language barrier?
Peter DeJulio has extensive experience working with clients who speak Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Korean, Punjabi, Urdu, Farsi, Arabic, Somali, Tamil and Tagalog.